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24,10 USD - 25,50 USD
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7,30 USD - 8,25 USD
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29,05 USD - 30,25 USD
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Min. Order: 100 parti

A  dream  come  true  for  us !  We  started  in  a  small  rented  factory  at  Topsia  6  years  back,  and  today  we  have  our  very  own  State  of  The  Art  Factory  at  Narendrapur . It  is  one  of  a  kind  factory  having  all  certifications,  in  compliance  with  European  and  American  Standard.

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Our Vision
The dream of Mon India is dedicated to India, my native land. Mon is French for My and thus Mon India stands for My India. Our initiative here is to bring forth the ethnic and cultural diversity of In
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